Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy
Teaching and learning about energy- better energy use- enhancing health and wealth.

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The Journey – index of the narrative

Welcome. Join the journey of Bonus Joules in search of a greater vision of energy. Experience the trials and tribulations of the search and glimpses of the majesty and beauty of energy in its myriad forms.  
The journey is broken into chapters to enable you to join at any stage for a few adventures.
You can, if you prefer, take an alternative path and explore a subject with Bonus Joules.

Click on Chapter Number  1.  2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7a. 8.

Chapter one –Formative Experiences(In which Bonus Joules is born and grows up. We discover Bonus Joules is not always greeted with open arms by a grateful world. )

My Birthplace

Bonus Joules is born in a land afar and so near.

My Parents           

We meet the optimism of the Bonus Joules family.

My Ancestors       

We go back through the mists of time to great early thinkers and innovators.

First Impressions         

Growing up in the new millennium has its challenges for Bonus Joules.

Great Ideas         

We meet some of the great ideas Bonus Joules thrives on.

Energy Babble

We meet the confusing world of  modern "energy" speak.       

New Zealand Heroes

We meet people who inspired my creation.


Chapter Two -My First Adventure 

(In which Bonus Joules encounters the very fount of energy wisdom.)

The Home Leaving

Visions of things to come as Bonus Joules leave home.

A Major Encounter
Bonus Joules is in a collision.

Confusion or Concussion?

Bonus Joules hears voices from another world.
EECA’s struggle to Save Energy.

Bonus Joules wrestles with an epic problem.
EECA and Near Oblivion.
Bonus Joules creates much ado about near nothing.  
Is EECA a Nuclear Reactor?
Bonus Joules ponders on cosmic possibilities of how EECA might generate the energy it saves.
EECA and Black Holes.
Has Bonus Joules discovered how EECA manages to store energy?


Chapter Three -the Holey Pilgrimage.

(In which Bonus Joules starts outwards and goes inwards through holes in our universe.)
When is a Hole not a Hole?
Bonus Joules asks what’s the matter with black holes.
White from Black.
Bonus Joules finds something appears to be what it is not.
Is our Universe Stark Bonkers Mad?
Bonus Joules rejoices in the possible insanity of it all.
Is Human civilisation at risk?
Can Bonus Joules save humanity from an uncontrollable build-up of thermal energy on planet Earth?

Greenhouse Effects

Bonus Joules feels a bit disconnected in the Greenhouse world.
The Zone of Ozone

Bonus Joules busts the Ozone Barrier in style.
The Holey Ozone Layer

Bonus Joules brightens sunlight and darkens the days of humanity.
Holey Leaks!

Bonus Joules looks local and discovers the cartoon heats and cools the universe.
The Cartoon Perfectimo.
Bonus Joules meets a guru and sees the light. 
When Less is More... and More

Bonus Joules finds that a dynamic fashion sense does not necessarily fashion thermodynamic sense.
Nailing the Froth
Bonus Joules shares an intoxicating vision while insulating the wall.
Heated Ups and Downs
Bonus joules is hit by a storm in a tea cup.

An Audience with the Sheep Sage.
Bonus Joules seeks out the Spirit of Insulation - the Amazing Mythical Pedagogic Sheep.
Suffocating Images.
Bonus Joules discovers Science is only as good as its images.

Chapter Four -Energy Rules!
In Which Bonus Joules explores how energy came to rule human consciousness and who made the rules.)
Approaching the Godhead.

Bonus Joules asks the Minster of Energy the Big Scientific Question.
A Higher Being joins Cabinet.
Bonus Joules reveals the Divine Moment.

At One yet Everywhere

Has Bonus Joules discovered the postie’s nightmare?


Bonus Joules shivers… and shakes THE ECONOMY.

Transfusing THE ECONOMY
Bonus Joules contemplates making the ultimate sacrifice.
Dark Encounters

Bonus Joules gets the measure of Economic Measures.
Dancing in the Dark
Freedom sparks for Bonus Joules when
The Energy Imagineers
Bonus Joules is struck by the dreaded Energy Image Virus.
Eye of the Unknown
Bonus Joules sees sparks in dying embers and strikes out for a Solar Economy.

The Minister of Energy  is revealed.
Bonus Joules has much reason to wonder at what’s in a name.

Eye to Eye with the Other
Bonus Joules meets the Great Knowing Unknown.
Junk Joules, the Imagineer.

Bonus Joules find the Great Knowing Unknown Other is the Magician Extraordinaire.
The Powers of Junk Joules.
Bonus Joules discovers an eternal companion in Junk Joules and steps into the Land of the Other.

Chapter Five - In the Land of the Other
(In which Bonus Joules decides to risk all and  follow Junk Joules into the land of the Other to explore how the its forces shape the use of energy by humans on our planet.)

Entering the Land of the Other.
Bonus Joules risks all and steps out into the world of the Other with Junk Joules.
At Home with Junk Joules.
Bonus Joules faces annihilation and finds possible salvation in the heavens.
Upgrading Cartoon Images.
Bonus Joules attempts to upspark the light of inspiration.

Junk Light Children
Bonus Joules witnesses the unlightening of the new generation.
Negawatts and Junk Joules
Bonus Joules finds the way to hell can be paved with good intentions.
A Goggle at Google

Bonus Joules searches Google and discovers barely a trace of Trace Gases and few new visions of Life.
The Minister's Environment
Bonus Joules is left gasping by the Minister for the Environment.

The Burning Miracle

Junk Joules, Master Magician of the Invisible, takes Bonus Joule’s breath away.

The Burning Conundrum

Bonus Joules breathes life into the world of Genesis Energy and creates a mess.

The Atmosphere Lives

Bonus Joules creates the genesis of weather at Genesis Energy.
Revealing our Thermal Beings 
Bonus Joules attempts to make the invisible visible and reveal our thermal beings.
Renewable Energy Mayhem
Bonus Joules discovers a perpetual motion machine- and stops the universe.

One in the Other

Bonus Joules finds One in the Other in the Land of the Other.

Chapter six -The Land of the Lost Trace Gases.
(In which Bonus Joules seeks out the essence of the Government’s vision of how the energy system at Earth’s surface works by exploring the world the Government is creating for our children. The learning blocks are legend, the cosmic implications are spooky and Bonus Joules is often lost.)

The Matter of Air
Bonus Joules confronts Air No Matter.

Heated Matters
Bonus Joules balances on the Trace Tightrope of Existence

The Air Dance
Bonus Joules goes microscopic and ends up dancing with the air.
The Land of the Lost Trace Gases.
Bonus Joules searches in vain for a trace of the Trace Gases.

Catching the Waves 

Bonus Joules gets on the wavelength and goes solar surfing.
Riding with the Death Waves
Bonus Joules gets caught up in the greatest fireworks display on Earth.

Light spectacular
Bonus Joules is lit up by light.

Death of the death waves.

Bonus Joules goes cold and hot and discovers life on Earth is but a trace existence.
The Ozone Dance Fantastic.

Bonus Joules watches the hot dance and then goes cold again.
Water Magic
Bonus Joules discovers the  Warmer Trace Gas Extraordinaire.

The Missing Light Waves
Bonus Joules encounters the mystery of the disappearing light waves and the Great Transformation.
The  Secret of the Warmer Trace Gases.
Bonus Joules finds that three makes life.

Water Power!
Bonus Joules has a Eureka Moment as the oceans and skies become one.
Trace Gas Super Power.
Bonus Joules discovers humans could set off explosive water forces.
The Great Cosmic Joke.
Bonus Joules  goes cosmic with the New Zealand Government Climate Change Office.
Super Storm
Bonus Joules departs for Chapter 7 but is nearly blown away while learning of Super Storms

Chapter Seven - Life and Death in the Greenhouse.
In which Bonus Joules decides to move into the greenhouse with Junk Joules. Bonus Joules attempts to create a home that is more in harmony with the global thermal balances that enable human life. Junk Joules is more concerned about making a quick buck, tensions rise and a huge shadow darkens life.

A Home of the Earth.
Junk Joules decides to set up home and moves into the greenhouse with Junk Joules.

A Strange Stillness.

Bonus Joules discovers life in a greenhouse is no breeze and makes a vow.

Hitting the High-Tech Highway

Bonus Joules suffers in the extremes and Junk Joules gives help.
Hi-Tech Tyranny

Bonus Joules becomes trapped and Junk Joules offers a life-line.

Clearing the Smog of Electricity
Bonus Joules proves the much-vaunted Energy Age is a load of pollution.
Main Grid Fuse Blues
Bonus Joules plugs in to the world and short circuits it.
Fiscal Powers
Bonus Joules meets the Gods of the Banks.
Commie Generators

Bonus Joules finds hope in the community and friction in a generator.

Cracking the Greenhouse (again)

Bonus Joules explores the wonders of glass and is near blinded.

The Sage Sheep's Sermons

Bonus Joules wonders if a sheep can enlighten humanity.

Sage Sheep Tricks

Making Thermal  Magic with Air and Glass

Infrared Sheep Visions

Bonus Joules glimpses a shining future in glass.

Making Monsters of the Miniscule

An explosion of spores threatens to turn home into a coffin.

The Mighty Invisible Architect

Junk Joules becomes an Energy Expert and Bonus Joules is flummoxed.

Chapter Seven Part two
In which Bonus Joules attempts to connect a smart home to the local grid and finds Junk Joules has been crossing wires

The Spider's Tale

Bonus Joules hears of an epic war raging across the lands. 
Switchboard to Civilisation

Bonus Joules is switched on and lights up to a new world.

Home with a Future

Bonus Joules creates a home of bonus joules.

Grid Pains
Bonus Joules experiences grid pains in a world of crossed wires.
Grid Smart
Bonus Joules gets back to the future
Bonus Joules is caught in an implosive blast of positive energy.
Into the Dark Ages
Bonus Joules is condemned to the Dark Ages by the Dark Stuff.


Chapter Eight.

Note from creator - sorry folks, it looks like Bonus Joules has disappeared, missing in action. Maybe in a year or three when and if funds become available the search for the Knowledge Economy can continue. 
And may the sun continue to bring blessings to you.

And as the the Irish blessing goes:

May a fair wind always fill your sails. 

And as another Gaelic blessing goes:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May you always have a friend to extend a hand.

And as Native American Prayer goes: 

O Great Spirit, whose breath gives life to the world, and whose voice is heard in the soft breeze:
We need your strength and wisdom.
Cause us to walk in beauty.
Give us eyes ever to behold the red and purple sunset.
Make us wise so that we may understand what you have taught us.
Help us learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
Make us always ready to come to you with clean hands and steady eyes, so when life fades, like the fading sunset, our spirits may come to you without

And as the Aoteaora-New Zealand blessing goes: 

Kia kaha - go strong 
Kia ora -go well.




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