At last it arrives. Will it be the breath of fresh air humans so need? Will our children breathe easy?  In New Zealand the Government thinks our use of the atmosphere is so important it has set up a super group called The New Zealand Climate Change Office. The Group publishs a booklet for our children and I step into the world it has created for them.


   JOURNEY index       View panel of the Matter with Air and THE BLOG                        Journey on to 2

2003  The New Zealand Climate Change Office is a business unit within the Ministry for the Environment. It is responsible for leading the development, coordination and implementation of whole-of-government climate change policy.

The New Zealand Climate Change Office reports to the Convenor of the Ministerial Group on Climate Change Pete Hodgson, through the Ministry for the Environment’s Chief Executive Barry Carbon. Members of the Ministerial Group include the Deputy Prime Minister, and Ministers of Finance, Foreign Affairs and Trade, Environment, Energy, Research Science and Technology, Agriculture and Forestry, Transport and Local Government.



Chapter Six - Land of the Lost Trace Gases-The Matter with Air       

Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy: All images on this site are copyright.