from the creator.
Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy is a labour of love. I live
on an income that is minimal by New Zealand standards. For the first two years
of the creation of this website I lived in the converted garage of my good
friends, Rene and Claudia, and I rented my cottage out to sustain the mortgage
on it. I am at present back in my cottage, sharing it with my tenant. This
website is created and maintained with the donated expertise and computer
facilities of kind friends. It could not happen without their continuing
kindness and support. You will soon understand reading my commentary on
Greenwash etc why no agency supports this work.
In another life
with other talents, I would love to have been one of the animators in Walt
Disney’s studios in the 1920s. They
set fun, movement and music in inked lines dancing in magical display of energy.
That is not my life - as of April 2005 I am a school cleaner/janitor. However I still remain entranced with cartoons and with energy
in its myriad forms. One day I will learn to cartoon.
My childhood
I was born and raised on a large sheep farm called Waiorongomai just north of
the Cook Strait in New Zealand. Its lakes, creeks (streams), hills, forests and
winds and skies were my playground. Bending with the trees in the wild winds in
the day and listening to the music of the creek echoing in the stillness of the
night against the forested hills and Milky Way overhead formed my sense of the
nature of energy. It is a sense of something truly majestic and awesome and
intimate. This sense fills me with a desire to promote the use of symbols and
the engagement of images that reveal the majesty of this universal force.
My ‘adult’ world
A degree in Psychology over
30 years ago and a recent Diploma in Primary Teaching prepared me for a world in
which universities are as fallible as any group in our society. At the same time
the Diploma only enhanced my admiration of true teachers.
still see the energy of the universe through the eyes of a ten year old. I now
also can see it through the eyes of the layperson. If I am qualified at
anything, it is at being a layperson. For a decade I was a postman, a stevedore
and a storeman. For two decades I
visited thousands of households and businesses to read their electricity meters.
In recent years I have laboured on building sites with the tradespeople. I know
what the layperson hears and sees when our teachers and “energy experts”
speak. What and wherefore is the yawning gap between the preached and the
practiced? The ten year old in me
enables me to ask questions that few others seem able to.
My vision
I work to generate images that most fully reflect the majesty of energy and that
sustain our children as we would be sustained. My hope is that Bonus Joules
and the Knowledge Economy will reveal insights so we can feel our
Thermodynamic Beings, acknowledge our Trace Beings and know best how to care for
the exquisite energy balances of Earth that enable us to live.
My belief is we each can learn to generate bonus joules so all may experience
the health and wealth in the abundance of energy.