The Sustainability Principle
 of Energy






The Power of Symbols

What is a Prime Symbol? 

Variations on the Wisdom of Confucius

How to Conserve the Potential

The Human Condition

General Theory 

Practical Application 

Index of denial/acceptance

The joys in acceptance
Are you vulnerable to denial?
Review Call
Evaluate your teachers/media
The Compassionate Curriculum
Defining some Prime Symbols


Energy Efficiency








Climate Change





Peak Oil
Principle of Energy



Our Guide to:

Conserving the potential of our prime symbols  
Transcending the limitations of our ego and grand capacity for self deceit
Wiser living in greater harmony with all
Enjoying a finer sense of hope and wonder

On the wisdom of conserving the potential of our prime symbols


Tzu Lu said: "The ruler of Wei wants you to become a member of his government. What will you work on first?" Confucius said: "The correction of language use [rectification of names]." Tzu Lu said: "You don't mean it! Why should that be your first priority?" Confucius said: "If language is not used correctly, then what is said won't be understood. If what is said is not understood, then the work of the state cannot be carried out successfully. If the work of the state cannot be carried out successfully, then the rules of propriety will not be observed and music [that is, culture] will not develop. If propriety does not prevail, and if music [that is, culture] does not develop, then criminal punishments will not be imposed in accordance with justice. If criminal punishments are unjust, then the people will be disoriented in their actions. Therefore, the Chun-Tzu must see to it that language is used correctly and that what he says is carried out in practice." 


General Statement of 
the Sustainability Principle of Energy

A symbol used in acceptance of change enhances the capacity of the user to mirror reality and enjoy harmony. A symbol used in denial of change destroys the capacity of the user to mirror reality and know harmony.

 Summary Theory

Reality is universal continual transformation or change. Human beings live a dance between acceptance and denial of both our mortality and our roles as stewards amidst transformation. The Sustainability Principle is a guide founded in the great principles of physics and the insights of neural psychology that enables us to transcend the limitations of our ego and act in more sustainable ways.

Summary Practice

The Sustainability Principle is an eminently practical tool that a child of ten can use. Its main requisite is a sense of compassion with its associated spirit of inclusiveness, inquiry, reflection and honesty. It is a guide in physics and a psychoanalytic tool that enables us to evaluate the relative sustainability of individuals and groups.


Enjoy the rewards of being a conservator of the potential of our greatest symbols.

Page last  updated: July 2010




