How to Conserve the Potential The
Conservation Principle of Energy teaches us that energy cannot be
created or destroyed, it is as bounteous as the universe(s) and it
continually transforms. It is the potential of all that is and all that
could be. It is difficult, if not impossible, for mortal beings to know
this potential for we are part of the flux of transformation. However we
can enhance our capacity to reflect and live in harmony with the
continual universal change by generating symbols based on the
Conservation Principle. Be
mindful energy comes in myriad forms and never confuse energy with one
of the forms it can be manifest in. Give each form a symbol reflecting
its unique and finite nature. Be
mindful every form is subject to change and has power. Never confuse a
form with its measure and know there are as many measures as there are
forms. Every measure is an additional way of knowing the potential of
the universe(s). Be mindful of the guide we have in the Sustainability Principle of Energy. Page last updated: July 2010
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