Bonusjoules and
the Knowledge Economy
by Dave McArthur for the NZAEE National Conference 2006 |
Abstract of Seminar There is little evidence of science underpinning the communication of the nature of energy and no evidence of science underpinning the communication of climate issues. This results in the risk of our civilisation being undermined by flawed uses of vital symbols and a loss of science. It may well also result in the New Zealand Environmental Industry being a major block to sustainable development. This paper discusses these phenomena and promotes simple strategies for avoiding major flawed uses and for promoting science. It promotes the use of the Trace Gas model for communication of climate issues and the use of the Greenhouse Model for communicating best uses of air in dwelling and clothing use. It promotes the twin complementary, co-evolving concepts of bonusjoules-junkjoules operating within the circle of compassion as a measure of energy efficiency. “Smart” electricity and solar use are promoted as key Environmental Education issues and the future beyond the Post Cheap Oil-Gas Age. Environmental Education = The communication of: Love (Knowledge of the bounteous nature of energy.) Compassion (The capacity to embrace the uncertainty of bonusjoules-junk joules in the great energy flux - our environment.) Hope (The capacity to believe beyond PR Spin and Greenwash & to know every action counts.) Psychology of Communication – 7 Key points Discussion: 5 Step analysis of Energy Use of an Environmental Education Resource. IntroductionWelcome to this largely visual exploration of our images of the nature of energy and of how our climate works. This seminar used 128 Power Point slides and this site links to many of the illustrations used. Web readers PLEASE NOTE -be prepared to keep your finger on the BACK BUTTON to return to this page.
It is the most exhilarating and challenging journey we can undertake. The journey is the ultimate drama for if we get it wrong then our species faces extinction. There is always the possibility that a volcanic eruption or a meteor or an extreme solar flair wipes us out. These are simply that: possibilities. However there is one way we can guarantee that our civilisations and even our species is wiped out: that is by cultivating flawed images of the nature of energy. (Click here to see cartoon panel discussing an example of the NZ Government's use of a symbol that promotes flawed images of energy) Large civilisations have ensured their collapse and even extinction by means of flawed images in the past. Ours is a privileged generation. Now we can ensure the extinction of civilisations on an unprecedented global scale. If evidence from the thermal imaging satellites and from the methane bubbling out of the melting Siberian tundra and from the depths of our oil and Gas wells is credible, then it surely is time to review our images of the nature of energy. This prospect might seem pretty epic and overwhelming, a bit dismal. And yes the challenges we face are immense. However I am happy to tell you that three great forces fundamentally drive this exploration:
I define Environmental Education as the communication of these capacities. When we know them we are opened and connected to our greater existence. We are linked to a greater wisdom within us and within our communities and can more fully appreciate how the intricate flux of balances in our environment sustain us. I have little space in this short presentation to elaborate on this statement. In brief: As the bounteous nature of energy is revealed we are filled with love. As we know the humility inherent in the great Uncertainty Principle we know compassion for ourselves, for others and for our environment.
As we realise that even small changes in our use of symbols and resources do make a difference we know hope.
It is the role of Environmental Education to communicate most truly the true nature of energy. ********************* My general hypothesis is that if serious research is performed it will indicate that our current use of symbols is profoundly flawed and they tend to promote images that generate maladaptive responses. As an aside, if these hypotheses are supported then there is a corollary question that might interest the NZAEE: Is the Environmental Education Industry currently a major block to sustainable development?
Communication of the nature of energy. I can find no serious research of the aggregate impact of the different uses of the energy symbol by scientists, “energy experts”, education institutions, the Environmental Education industry and the PR industry. Many of these uses are completely contradictory. Some define energy as a particular energy form or fuel. Some confuse energy conservation (an impossible idea anyway) with energy efficiency. Communication of how our climate works. Again I can find no serious research of the impact of our use of symbols. Many uses are ambiguous and contradictory. Greenpeace and the New Zealand Climate Change Office have done some research but these do not tackle the real issues such as the relative impact of the use of symbols, especially on energy efficiency practice. The Potsdam Institute did some very interesting research into the impact of the movie The Day After Tomorrow. This failed to support their hypothesis, and that of both Greenpeace and the New Zealand Green Party too, that the movie would empower people. I predicted on of Human-induced Climate Change. These hypotheses were both supported by the Potsdam research. The PR industry. The PR industry is probably the largest industry on the globe, certainly in terms of resources and scientific know-how. The formal education industry has extremely limited resources and impact by comparison. A teacher is lucky to communicate a message 3 times in 3 ways. PR can communicate a message thousands of times in dozens of ways. How many school passageways are adorned year-in year-out with Ronald McDonald McClick posters? This poster links
McDonalds with health and safety. In particular PR is highly skilled at affecting our primal responses whereas formal education is relatively limited to affecting our intellectual response. The PR industry can and does effectively set the national education curriculum. It is pretty much all-pervasive and the Environmental Education Industry is traditionally one of its most vital conduits. It does this visibly through leveraging off sponsorship and invisibly by shaping the flow of funds away from “unhelpful” education programmes. Avoidance of Spin etc. There are very simple strategies that require only your careful use of symbols. The beauty of these strategies is that they also promote quality science. More on this later. The FutureIn brief: mining the earth, the oceans and atmosphere is not future. This includes uranium mining. The future of our civilisation depends on the conservation of our solar generation capacity and smart uses of all forms of electricity. These two strategies are profoundly linked. It is perhaps helpful to understand some of the psychology I base my exploration on. You may not subscribe to it but please be patient and see what it reveals. Psychology of Communication – 7 Key points
ImagesThis term is often used to describe pictures as in photos, graphics, cartoons and other visual media. I am using its deeper meaning. It is the sum experience of all our senses and emotional associations. For instance, we can generate an image using any of our senses as in this case of a greenhouse. The experience of the greenhouse will be the sum of all the associations ever made with a greenhouse. For one person the dominant sense may be of peace and serenity based on experiences in greenhouses in wet windy climates. For another the dominant sense is of anxiety if they had bad experiences growing commercial hothouse tomatoes. For another it might be a sense of luxury if they associate it with prolific growth and strong smelling earth. In that moment of experience we become and live that sense. We are the image. That sense largely determines our response to the symbol. Consciousness = trace elementI will enlarge on this later and restrict myself to saying we are much more than we are consciously aware of in any moment. We are an immense ocean of subconscious knowledge and wisdom and our conscious will is a single sparkle on all the waves of the sea. Sounds deep? Well it is. The illustrations I use are two-dimensional. Three and even more dimensions would be more helpful. Some become alarmed at the thought of such profound subliminal activity. I will simply remind you that you would not be here if this deeper knowledge and wisdom had not sustained humanity this last million years.
(1) Measure the walk rather than the talk –it is what a person does that tells the real story. That is especially true of the impact of an educator’s walk. (2) Our use of symbols reflects our dominant primal being. Our choice of symbol or metaphor is neither accidental nor a matter of simple convenience. It is driven by a profound if largely subliminal rationale. Check out recent RMI research on brains responses to advertisements. RMI is still a deceptively poor pyschology measure but these results give us an idea of how the brain can be experiencing the opposite to what a person says We are Trace Beings. The electrons that make us are trace moments of actuality in a vast ocean of possibilities. The atoms that make us are almost entirely space. Trace elements of our gene code differentiate us. “Trace gases” sustain the thermal balance of Earth that enables us. We are trace elements of the universe. Our beings consist of a vast psychology in which any moment of consciousness is a trace element. We must begin teaching from Level I in our schools the concepts of tiny fractions and leverage if we are to understand our Trace Beings and climate processes in particular. This can start with activities as simple as counting a thousand grains of sand or beans or trying to count to a thousand in bed at night. This knowledge is vital in understanding risk analysis, one of the key components of Environmental Education. As an aside, it also has great value in communicating exponential processes such as compound interest on bank loans. Then students can understand how a 200 grand mortgage cost 540 grand in interest over thirty years at current rates Note: Search Google Images of leverage and nearly all the illustrations involve finance companies. Primal Responses dominate. In any moment our conscious response is only one of millions of subconscious responses to our environment and the changes of the energy flux we inhabit. It takes great humility to acknowledge this fact for it does seem to challenge our sense of “free will”. However those who do enjoy the humility required are better placed to trust and act on the great wisdom that resides in each of us. The paradox is we then know a greater sense of freedom. The power of symbols. A symbol can take almost any form – word (written, spoken,) picture, sound, smell, you name it. Think of two sticks marked in the form of a cross. They can evoke profound associations with death, grief, love, God incarnate… Symbols reside within symbols too. For instance, individual words are each symbols and the way they are laid out on a page form greater symbols that can completely alter our response to the smaller symbol.
Life As the great profit of the electronic age, Marshal McCluhan put it over 40 years ago, “The Medium is the Message”. This is a complex idea and has enormous implications for Environmental Educators who engage with sponsorship and the commercial media. When we use a symbol and how we respond to a symbol reflects our state of being. We often hear people, particularly educators and journalists, excuse and dismiss their use of a symbol as “just a word” or “just a metaphor” or “ just a symbol”. This is a denial of the reality that our use of and response to a symbol is determined by fundamental primal beliefs. In many ways it reveals a lack of love and of science. If we fail to understand the power of our primal beings in ourselves we cannot understand how others respond to the symbol use either. Mentioned = Omitted. A fundamental skill in learning drawing is to be able to see the negative and positive space. In this case I have drawn all the space, which is not the chair and the symbol of the chair emerged from it. I looked and drew the spaces between the rungs and legs, not the rungs and legs themselves. What is wonderful about this is that we end up with a drawing that more represents the chair than if I had concentrated only on the rungs and legs. It is more truthful. The PR industry understands this well and it is highly skilled at manipulating the positive and negative spaces of our consciousness. For instance fossil fuel companies like NGC and PowerCo call themselves energy companies thus omitting the air out of the energy equation. They invest in “goodwill” by sponsoring local orchestras and forest reserves to obscure their impact on the greater and invisible thermal balances of the atmosphere. Click here to see a cartoon sequence of five-panels offering commentary on lack of chimneys on thermal plant and bottom less lakes on hydro-electricity plant in Genesis Energy's education module The initial thermal plant had no chimney at all That is why the oil sector and SUV devotees loved the Auckland Regional Council “Dob in a Smoker” programme. Removing visible pollution masks the far greater invisible pollution. Enviroschools is a classic case – it is sponsored by the New Zealand Government which in turn is driven by commercial imperatives that can loosely be summed up in its Clean Green Image strategy (not, as you will be aware, the Clean Green Practice) and making money from carbon trading. Anyone who has seriously attempted to promote climate education research, has studied the carbon emission, truck and SUV use or transport investment statistics or has sat in on Climate Change Office briefings to the business sector or who has read the Minister of Energy Peter Hodgson’s press releases, as I have, will know the Government promotes carbon trading as a useful source of income because of our “good fortune” in having existing forest sinks. The recent Fart Tax, Carbon Trading and Carbon emissions fiascos (An estimated $500 million surplus suddenly became a $500 million deficit) were predictable and avoidable. As was the Christmas announcement the New Zealand Parliament is scrapping the long planned Carbon Tax. It is no mistake that Enviroschools does not have a significant energy-climate component. Class Learning and Action I doubt it would have got funding if it had. What was its role in these fiascos? It is also no mistake the Government refused to fund the Energy Action 2008 programme, which works to reveal the real impact of New Zealand ’s activities on the atmosphere. The invisible reveals the visible. This is a corollary to the above discussion on omission. Few skills are required to teach the visible. Greater skills are required to teach the invisible. Our Trace Beings, our Thermal Beings (we cannot see heat) and the air that sustains us are all largely invisible. Focusing on the development of skills that promotes awareness of these invisible milieus will provide the skills and more that enable us to teach the visible. Because our intellects and the formal education system tend to focus on the visible the reverse is not true. CompassionThe Principle of Uncertainty, one of the great principles underpinning ancient psychologies like Buddhism and modern ones like quantum physics, says that our very act of observation alters the observed. We cannot be an impartial observer. This is something many Scientists have difficulty coming to grips with. I recommend the movie “What the Bleep do we Know?!” as an interesting exploration of the implications of this. I draw from this the belief that while we are part of creation we can never truly know what good comes from bad. It also suggests that your view is equally is vital and valid as my view of an object. The truth lies somewhere in the summation of all our views. I draw from this the need and value of tolerance. All points of view count and we can learn from them all. There is nothing new in this concept – sages through the ages have attempted to communicate it to every civilisation. The fact we can never truly know good from bad does not leave us immune to the consequences of our choices. No. We need constantly be aware of the balances of environment that sustain us and we ignore them at our cruel peril. So how do we transcend our ignorance, our “human condition”? In the message of tolerance I speak of we find compassion. Compassion enables us to learn from our mistakes, to communicate to others so they feel acceptance and to care for the natural world. General Concept Psychology Continuum: Science < - > PR Science.......................................................PR Inclusive Exclusive Openness Limitation Trust Doubt Collegiality Fear The qualities and emotions listed under Science tend to generate bonus joules. The qualities and emotions listed under PR tend to generate junk joules. This PR example displays all the qualities listed above. The man is alone, alienated by his hair. The original ad had woman lying beside his hairy body. Her face and body language expressed total revulsion of him. DiscussionI will now apply this summary thinking to the great symbols that underpin civilisation, agriculture and Environmental Education Energy symbol ·
One of most potent
symbols. ·
Underpins all human activity. ·
Hard to define: ·
Flawed images => extinction of
civilisation ·
Recent redefinition by industrial
sector. A less kind description is that this wonderful symbol has been expropriated by greed-driven merchants who wish to use fossil fuels and sell Bulk-electricity regardless of the consequences to the environment or our children. Put simply, modern economics is not founded in the reality that we ignore natural balances at our peril. See three panels of cartoons the exploring history of the imagineering of energy symbol. ·
Conservation Principle = near as we
have to a natural law. ·
Fatal confusion: Energy = energy
form ·
Fatal confusion: Energy =Energy Use Suggestion (1) Talking energy form? Name energy form(s). (2) Talking energy use? Use word use. (3) Talking crisis? Use crisis of use. Power symbol
Suggestion(1) Talking electricity? Do NOT use Power symbol. (Electricity is only one form of power.) (2) Know electricity comes in many forms. Name the form you are referring to eg static, Bulk-generated, distributed generation, alternating current, direct current, Bioelectricity piezoelectricity, triboelectricity, thermoelectricity, atmospheric electricity, etc (3) Understand electricity is a field of science.
climate change symbol
Think how you feel if the climate does not change – we soon begin to feel sensations of fear, concern, worry, dread. We know in our deepest cells of our being that change is the natural order just as energy is a flux of forms. The song turn turn turn resonates from biblical times and before To
every thing, turn, turn, turn, there is a season, turn, turn, turn,
Suggestion: talking climate change? (1) State type eg seasonal change, solar driven change, Human-induced change... (2) Use alternative symbols eg Thermal Imbalance, human pollution global warming symbol
Suggestion: Talking human impact on Earth's thermal balances (1) Use symbol such as Global Thermal Imbalance (2) Talking warming up/ cooling down? Say warming up/cooling down. Greenhouse symbol of atmosphere (general)
This Greenpeace page evokes images of Earth's
atmosphere no less than 10 times. The great Crystal Palace of Great Exhibition 1851 had a huge impact on Western sensibility – as it was designed to. It glorified Britain ’s engineering capacity and military might. Sermons of the time used it to proclaim the might and dominion of Man over nature and to glorify our powers.
Greenhouse symbol of atmosphere (specific flaws)
Greenhouse symbol of insulation (dwelling, clothing and transport)
Understanding how insulation works is essential for energy efficient practice in maintaining our personal comfort levels using clothing and buildings and minimising our negative impact on the environment. Suggestion
– Think major, long-term decision makers = builders/plumbers/
Suggestion re Trace Gas Talking thermal balances of atmosphere? Talk Warmer Trace Gases ( NOT greenhouse gases). They are warmer than the most common gases such as oxygen, nitrogen and argon and, unlike them, they also act as significant warmers. Now we get to the point of how to evaluate and communicate the impact of our activities. This is the study symbolised by energy efficiency. It is not to be confused with energy conservation- an impossible and most unhelpful concept (energy is conserved by its very nature). My own general definition of energy efficiency is the continuous generation of bonusjoules. Note the emphasis on the word continuous. Energy efficiency (General)
Energy efficiency (measures)
Suggestion: Talking Energy Efficiency? Talk generating bonusjoules and junkjoules. As Environmental Educators you may be interested in my proposals for evaluating the use of resources. I have provided the example of possible considerations about the siting of the proposed Aquarium of New Zealand on the coast just below my home. It can be viewed at 5 Step analysis of Energy Use of an Environmental Education Resource. 1) Planning and construction 2) Maintenance and Deconstruction 3) Communication costs 4) Design impact 5) Sponsorship leverage Additional note: The energy impacts of 1 and 2 have long been calculated and now some engineers are beginning to calculate 3. In some cases they find that the extra energy used by a building sited a distance from mass public transport compared to its siting adjacent to it can be twice that of 1 and 2. 4 and 5 are more difficult to calculate though they well have the largest impact. An example of 4 is The Warehouse with its large centralising carparks. Examples of 5 are the Government’s Clean Green Image Programme and the Consumer Institute’s PowerSwitch. The impact of 1,2 and 3 for the latter may be minimal. However the use of it by the Government to promote the interests of the bankers of our privatised model of Bulk-electricity distribution means its impact is in the order of gigajoules of energy. It works directly against energy efficiency and Distributed Generation principles. ConclusionThe Post Cheap Oil-Gas Age
"Meterboard” = A major key to survival. The individuals that control your meterboard also controls how you
design your dwelling, how you use your dwelling, what appliances you use
and what bulk demand you place on the environment. It is a huge switch
in our lives. It can turn us on or off to Distributed Generation and can
dictate whether we can talk to the grid or only listen. It can switch
off life to huge tracts of forest. It can switch on a massive emission
of Warmer Trace Gases. Chapter seven part 2 of Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy features a cartoon exploration of our current Bulk-electricity system. It identifies blocks to an intelligent system and suggests sustainable options Summary
Strategies for avoiding
All at AcknowledgementsThe Bonus Joules website could not have occurred without the incredible support of Rene Duindam, Claudia Schotz and their family. They provided a roof over my head for over two years and enabled me to survive on less than the minimum dole. The website is constructed on their computer which is based in their bedroom and they have tolerated my presence there for thousands of hours. Rene is always available with the vital support and advice required to construct and maintain a website on this scale. Always they have believed in my work. Thanks to Mandy Hager and family who provided me with scanning and copying facilities and support for my work too. Special thanks too to Chris Arcus, my ex-tutor from Wellington College of Education 1998, who has consistently taken time out to read my work and encourage my development. ReferencesPotsdam A few PR Industry examples,1567,15645-0,00.html
Marshal McCluhan Genesis Energy education module Enviroschools Clean Green Image National carbon deficit What the Bleep do we Know?!” Enron movie The Corporation movie Wiki definition of energy Sample of Civilisation collapses History of the Bulk-electricity sector Power Play by Sharon Beder What is electricity? To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn) Thermohaline circulation Antarctic variations
Greening Earth Society
Fourier and greenhouses
Crystal Palace of Great Exhibition 1851 sermons
Ionosphere flux
Atmosphere: thermal layers
Thermal properties of air Thermal Insulation
Trace gases's_atmosphere
Atmospheric Thermal Effect
“energy conservation”
Rocky Mountain Institute and negawatts
Ideals of California and negawatts
Enron Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron: Book by Robert Bryce Power Play by Sharon Beder
Ying Yang symbol origins
Oil and Gas reserves
Sample electricity distributed generation thinking
Vector, NGC and meter ownership
Vector and PowerCo privatisation
Sunday Star Times Mfe Climate Change Office booklets for primary schools 2001. EECA -EnergyWise magazines Power Summit 2005 SCOOP Independent News