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Examples of the ervasive presence of the PR industry

Contact Positive Energy - top frame

A student searching “power, nz” got this at top of search results in the months that the advertisement appeared.

Contact Positive Energy - side frame

This is classic. The Bonus Joules cartoon is attempting to alert people to great uses of energy. I am discussing how difficult it is to get the ideas across in our media .
Contact Positive Energy dominates the page.

Contact Positive Energy - side frame

The Bulk-electricity/fossil fuel sector has successfully colonised and adapted the energy symbol to serve the short term interests of its principle shareholders. In the example below the resonance is profound.

Emirates Airlines - centre frame
I am discussing the impact of human activities on the atmosphere. The Air Travel Industry is the fastest growing emitter of Warmer Traces Gases. It is also possible the fact they impact directly on the stratosphere may result in the emissions having an enhanced impact.


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