We are Thermal Beings. So my symbol design for a ‘smart’ electricity system starts with our dwellings. We must be able to warm and cool ourselves as needed. Our buildings can generate many of our needs from local energy sources. Thus the sun is numero one in my picture. Let’s never forget it. Of course, electricity is essential to the sustenance of a civilisation of over 6 billion people. It provides such a vast array of communication, knowledge and useful forms of power. And to be sustainable, my home will return electricity equally as it takes it from the Grid.
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This symbol was originally inspired by the symbol used by the Regulatory Assistance Project:
“RAP is committed to fostering regulatory and market policies for the electric industry that encourage economic efficiency, protect environmental quality, assure system reliability, and allocate system benefits fairly to all customers.”
The raponline site features papers arguing for more efficient uses of electricity, the reduction in demand by the use of a wider range of energy forms and the empowerment of small consumers. The intent is most laudable but the language in which their argument is couched often works directly right against their intent. The counterproductive role of their medium is summed up in a logo on Raponline. Even as they are attempting to awaken a greater sensibility to alternative uses of energy their symbol, in the form of a three pin plug, is saying “Look at me. I am the answer. The solution to our problems lies in the main grid.” My symbol is an attempt to create a more sustainable image of electricity use, one that generates bonus joules.
Chapter Seven - The House of Life -Grid Smart House Power.
Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy: All images on this site are copyright.