Sure is confusing trying to find out about greenhouses on the web. Pure Junk Joules’s Heaven. I am about to give up when I hit the jackpot in a place called the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO)- the world’s first government agency dedicated to “providing a whole of government approach to greenhouse matters.” They’ll surely know how greenhouse gases are different to normal air.


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Footnote: A search under Images of Australian Greenhouse Office produces many photos of people standing around, cars, windmills and little to indicate the atmosphere is involved.

Its website says the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) is the world's first government agency dedicated to cutting greenhouse gas emissions. It was established in 1998 as a separate agency within the environment portfolio to provide "a whole of government approach to greenhouse matters."


Chapter Six - Land of the Lost Trace Gases-A Traceless Chase.        

Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy: All images on this site are copyright and you are free to use them with care.