Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy
Click on any cartoon Chapter Five - Land of the Other- Wither the Weather?!
Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy: All content on this site is copyright 2001 and you are free to use it with care.
Blog by Dave McArthur 2 March 2008 Most readers will now be aware that we may have entered a phase in which Earth’s
average surface temperature is
cooling down – some estimate the cooling down to be in the range of
0.65C to 0.75C this last year. Perhaps at last we can put the Carbon Trading
industry on ice. From Daily
Tech. "Over the past year, anecdotal
evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter
in 100 years. Baghdad sees its
first snow in all recorded history. North America has the
most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest
since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record
cold in Minnesota,
Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia,
Iran, Greece, South
Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on. No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously." An article in today’s New York Times titled Skeptic
on Human Climate Impact Seize on Cold Spell contains a range of views. The general suggestion
in the NYT article is that the cooling down is a result of the La Nina
phase we are in. The Daily Tech article suggests that cooling down is
more caused by the recent sudden reduction in solar activity.
Daily Tech refers to a previous article: “However, researchers at DMI
continued to work, eventually discovering what they believe to be the
link. The key factor isn't changes in solar output, but rather changes
in the sun's magnetosphere A stronger field shields the earth more from
cosmic rays, which act as "seeds" for cloud formation. The
result is less cloud cover, and a warming planet. When the field
weakens, clouds increases, reflecting more light back to space, and the
earth cools off.” This quote from the end paragraph of the NYT
article encapsulates some of the non-science being articulated by
our so-called scientists: “Gavin A. Schmidt, a
climatologist at NASA’s
Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan who has spoken out
about the need to reduce greenhouse gases, disagrees with Dr. Michaels
on many issues, but concurred on this point. “When I get called by CNN to comment on a big summer storm or a drought or something, I give the same answer I give a guy who asks about a blizzard,” Dr. Schmidt said. “It’s all in the long-term trends. Weather isn’t going to go away because of climate change. “There is this desire to explain everything that we see in terms of something you think you understand, whether that’s the next ice age coming or global warming.” Is Gavin saying weather is or is not part of climate
change and that one or the other is not the norm on Earth? Is he saying global warming ceases to happen in ice
ages? And if he does (as quoted) evoke images of Earth in
a “greenhouse” as in “greenhouse gases” how on Earth does he
propose we teach our children the fantastic dynamic relationship between
solar activity and cloud formation and how this relationship affects the
thermal balances on the surface of our planet? This latest situation of a possible cooling down reinforces my argument that we need a national review of our use of key energy and climate symbols. As
long term readers of this blog know I have mounted extensive arguments
against the use of the greenhouse symbol to convey atmospheric
processes. I have also exposed some of mistruths our children are
learning from our Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change Office,
the Green Party, NGOs (Forest and Bird, Greenpeace etc). An example is
their omission from their education materials of the fact that water vapour
exists and is a trace gas with a
powerful warming capacity. I have documented their untrue claims, for
instance, that
“carbon dioxide is the dominant greenhouse gas". The dangers of these mistruths come home to roost at times like this when the possibility occurs of solar activity-cloud formation links. The above vested interests have framed the education material so our children are left with a reduced capacity to understand the thermodynamics of our planet’s surface. If water vapour is not in their mental equations how can they are unable to begin to reflect the reality of changes in our climate? The colonisation of the carbon symbol by the
Carbon Trading sector, which includes most of the above groups, to serve
its narrow interests presents another danger: it teaches our children
they can trade off or offset the impacts of their use of carbon on
atmospheric balances and that they can be “carbon neutral.” So do we offset our activities by increasing carbon
emissions? Do all those who have been paid billions of dollars
for “reducing carbon emissions” have to return their money with
interest because longer term their activities destabilised the thermal
balances that sustain humanity? My point is and has always been that we are
Carbon Beings and the concept that we can ever be carbon neutral is
non-science. Let us perform a quick mental exercise in our roles as Carbon Beings. Let us allow the possibility that water vapour is the dominant “Warmer Trace Gas” on the planet and that there is some hitherto unrecognised relationship between its formation and distribution with solar activity. Also let us imagine that a period of reduced sun spot activity is about to result in a cooling down of Earth’s surface. The
cooling down will reduce global food stores which are already in a
precarious state. Already we are seeing how the use of biomass by the
world’s rich elite for ethanol to run their cars is impacting badly on
food reserves
As mentioned Carbon Trading logic says we should counter
any cooling down by investing in larger and even less efficient cars and
other thermal plant. Compare this trading ethos with that of a valuing ethos. Children educated in the latter will be far more aware of their carbon potential. They will also be more likely to understand the potent role of water vapour in maintaining the thermal balances that sustain us because the interests of the Carbon Trading sector will not pervert education material as they do at present. As a result our more carbon-wise children will adopt very different strategies to the current ones of their parents. Their focus will be to personally put a high value on carbon and
conserve our fossil fuels for their own children so they can inherit this
amazing resource and have it as reserve to help them survive a cooler period on Earth without mass starvation and slaughter. What is interesting about this little mental exercise
is that it generates ideas and practices that also work to reduce the risks to us if it turns out Earth’s
surface is, on balance, heating up because of our carbon emissions. And there is more risk reduction. Last week mineral oil is
traded at a record high of $US102 per 42 gallon barrel. This is
still very cheap and still
places little value on the resource. Even at this low price nations whose
economies are based on the waste of most of the potential of mineral oil
are at risk of implosion. In my recent
blog on our flawed education system I noted that the people in countries like the USA,
the UK, Japan and New Zealand (my country) waste most of the 25000 man-hours
equivalent of labour in each of the barrels. For instance, in many
situations cars use only a couple of hundred of those 25000 man-hours
for moving. Most of this huge resource (24000 man-hours plus) is
transformed into unusable heat. As a result our credit
systems – based on the notion that such waste can be maintained
because oil is a cheap and everlasting
resource – are about to collapse. We have forgotten how we are Carbon Beings and
we abuse our carbon potential. Thus we call the nascent implosion of our
economic system as a “subprime mortgage collapse” when it is really
a “carbon use crisis” or “mineral oil credit collapse”. The
source of our current wealth - mineral oil and gas which does so much of
our lifting, pulling, pushing and heating - is now becoming more
expensive. Our wealth is evaporating
with resultant inflation. In that blog I outline why the current Anglo-American education curriculum is a recipe for misery and works to destroy civilisation. This is because the curriculum framework actively destroys science. I provide links to what I believe is a more sustaining curriculum framework that supports science. This framework links to a prototype
index I am preparing (when I can get a spare moment) of sustainable uses of our key symbols
such as the carbon, atmosphere, greenhouse and trace
symbols. The objective is to create uses of these symbols that conserve
their maximum potential so our children enjoy greater options (hope) and
have an increased chance of survival. Maybe my proposed definitions can be a starter for a
sustaining debate before our current abuse of these precious symbols
destroys us. For those new to my blog, the accompanying
cartoon biography was drawn after attending the national conference
of New Zealand Environmental Educators (NZAEE) in 2002. Note: The other strong interest of Hon Marion Hobbs is education. |