There is only one thing for it. I accompany a school class to the local supermarket. We do not have to ask if Compact Fluorescent Lamps are stocked. A couple of dozen are hanging above the stacks of incandescent bulbs. Junk Joules beams proudly. I see why I as observe the teacher struggling to make sense of the display.


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Chapter Five - Land of the Other- Junk Light Children.        

Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy: All images on this site are copyright 2001 and you are free to use them with care. 


Note: though this photo was taken a couple of years ago it remains typical of supermarket displays. The lamps do not save energy - that is impossible. For them do do so they would be in complete denial of change and the Conservation Principle of Energy. Compared to incandescent bulbs they are Efficient Lamps.