is Energy?" Part One
Update Page The
"What is Energy?"
to video “What
is Energy?” Part One Synopsis This video is one
of a series planned on our use of the key symbols used to express our
relationship with the universe(s). It explores our current use of the
“energy” symbol. The opening
statement suggests we are all very intimate with energy and yet no one
knows what it is. Thus everyone has a different and changing sense of
what energy is. The video is based on the premise that Google both forms
and reflects our Anglo-American societies now and thus provides useful
insight into our culture. The
video contains a snapshot taken on one day (5 August 2009) and explores
what the Google search page on “energy” reveals of the New Zealand
culture. I suggest
the Wiki page reflects the confused vision of the nature of energy
propagated in our schools and media and offer my alternative definition
of energy: Energy =
the potential of the universe(s). Top of the list
is the Wiki definition of energy, a statement framed by the notion “In
physics…” I suggest this is unhelpful and confusing because
everything can be seen as physics and we are all physicists to some
degree. It is our capacity to each be a scientist that enables each of
us to exist. The “physics” symbol derives from the Greek for
“nature”. We are all students of nature and the original definition
of the “physics” symbol was “making sense of all things”. I suggest the
following Wiki statement is also unhelpful: . Different forms of energy include kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, sound, light, elastic, and electromagnetic energy. The forms of energy are often named after a related force. This is because
most of us understand that energy is manifest in myriad myriad forms and
I suggest the Wiki list really refers to types or kinds or perspectives
of energy. We can view any object (energy form) from a gravitational or
a thermal or a kinetic or potential or an electromagnetic point of view.
We can view it directly through our senses using light, sound,
olfactory, taste and touch. We can also view it indirectly using various
technologies. The prime universal observation we make it is that the
object is constantly changing. The Wiki folk
however clearly believe the Conservation Principle of Energy is of great
importance. They state it thus: Any form of energy can be transformed into another form, but the total energy always remains the same. I suggest the “Conservation Principle of Energy” symbol
provides a great guide to the nature of energy and that it is as near as
we have to a law of nature. I offer my preferred definition: “Energy
is bounteous, conserved (it cannot be created or destroyed) and it is
continually transformed.” This statement
provides the framework for analysis in the video. I state the
implications of the Conservation Principle thus: In
other words, it is 100% DENIAL of the Conservation Principle i.e. denial
of reality to say energy is a form or group of forms or to say energy
can be generated, created, sustained, saved, conserved, destroyed,
wasted or lost.. to speak thus is 100% DENIAL. The video
associates this denial with a commonly used danger symbol for a very
good reason. The denial expresses a fundamental disconnection with
reality. In this state of psychosis the activities of humans tend to put
us all at risk of misery in the form of war, famine and disease. The video then
explores the links on the snapshot Wiki page on energy. (See at bottom)
These include Wiki
(Energy definition) These websites in
turn provided links, electronic and symbolic, to other “energy”
pages. For instance EECA linked to
Consumer NZ Inc (http://www.eeca.govt.nz/node/3057
) Genesis Energy
linked to the Royal Society of New Zealand. The Google
corporation pages linked to “intelligent energy” which in turn
linked to “clean energy” which in turn linked to “green energy”
and so on. The video
illustrates how all these sites exhibit 100% denial of the Conservation
Principle and suggests this problem is endemic in our culture. It
provides a snapshot examples from our media, including the evidence that
it is endemic to the regulators of our medias as well. The example shown
is from a decision by the NZ Broadcasting Standards authority in which
it declares in my complaint that it is wrong to state energy, power and
Bulk-generated electrical products are the same thing: [16] Looking at Principle 6 (accuracy), the Authority considers that it was not inaccurate to use the terms electricity, power and energy interchangeably, and it finds that listeners would not have been misled by the use of the words in the broadcast. Accordingly, the Authority declines to uphold the Principle 6 complaint The video was
published prematurely and in haste as the Windows Move Maker programme
purchased with the new PC is proving very unreliable. Youtube time and
content restrictions determined much. The series of snapshot
illustrations form a bombardment, which is not unlike how we are
impacted by corporations these days. The script and associated links are
provided below to allow more time for reflection. However many websites
will have changed already. This video is one
of two asking the question “What is Energy?”. The second one
explores the potential, which is energy. Both are part of a planned
series looking at our use of a range of key symbols (incl. power,
electricity, energy efficiency, carbon, global warming, trace,
greenhouse and science), how they have been colonised by
vested interests and how flawed uses of these vital symbols puts
humanity at serious risk. The objective is
to provide students with an appreciation of the wisdom and hope inherent
in the Conservation Principle of Energy; the tools to evaluate the
sustainability of their school libraries, lesson activities and media;
and the capacity to psychoanalyse their teachers and parents with
compassion. Thus students will be able to provide all those in denial of
the Conservation Principle, especially their teachers and parents
working in corporations, with inspiring glimpses of the wondrous nature
of energy. SCRIPT and LINKS What is energy?
It’s a simple and great question.
Everyone experiences energy..yet no one knows what energy is.
This also makes it a great fun question. Ask one hundred people what energy is and you will receive one thousand very different answers. Often people will give a different answer at different times of the day according to their mood and who they think they are talking to. A Google of the “energy” symbol reveals myriad differing definitions too .about 435 million references...But first.. my current definition. Energy = the potential of the universe(s). Note how
different it is to what our schools and media teach.
The way they symbolise energy is beautifully summarized in the
confusion manifest on this Google page. Google both
reflects and forms our societies now.. this page teaches us a lot about
what New Zealand people think energy is.. Top of search..
wiki energy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy It starting
statement is not helpful: "In
physics,.... Each of us
survives because we are students of nature, scientists, to some degree.
We all reflect..play a part in the activities of the universe(s). And this Wiki
list of energy forms is unhelpful too. You and I know energy is manifest
in myriad different forms. I suggest the Wiki folk are really talking
about perspectives or types or kinds of energy. Ah great though
– the Wiki guys are onto it This great guide
to reality. If there is a law of nature this is it. Here is how I prefer
to state the General Principle: Energy is
bounteous, conserved (it cannot be created or destroyed) and it is
continually transformed. In other
words, it is 100% DENIAL of the Conservation Principle i.e. denial of
reality to say energy is a form or group of forms or to say energy can
be generated, sustained, saved, conserved, destroyed, wasted or lost..
to speak thus is 100% DENIAL http://www.contactenergy.co.nz/web/view?page=/contentiw/pages/home lets speed our
search up. Ah, …Contact Energy…. a short cut to discovering the
nature of energy?.. huh... Sadly no.
How miserable..just some confused corporation.. like what on
Earth is DualEnergy? And big time
denial too.. http://www.contactenergy.co.nz/web/savetheplanet/createyourownsolution?vert=sp Lets go deeper.
the energy debate. The confusion and denial deepens too… they
think humans can save energy! Truth is we can only conserve energy
forms. Hmmm …Mercury
Energy Dual Fuel – more serious confusion –electrical energy is a
fuel.. next they will be saying is that energy is a fuel.? ...
and “alternative
energy”??. How in our universe can this be? Number two link:
Folk who call themselves an energy conservation authority. they believe
there is stuff called ”renewable energy” and that humans can
conserve energy…. What gives? Why
would you want to conserve something that is already conserved? And the
mind boggles at what inefficient energy is
http://www.meridianenergy.co.nz/ Meridian Energy,
oh dear, double nonsense here: “join the largest renewable energy generator today”.
.. Humans cannot generate
energy – we can only transform it..
And now the video links And now for the
two videos linked to (1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW8wrXjPs5A Keri Hilson –
Energy Cool song but
“..this love is taking all my energy, energy energy…”?? Question: How can
love destroy energy? (2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbakN7SLdbk Lindsey Williams
– the Energy Non-Crisis (USA video) Energy = fossil
fuels (mineral oil) http://www.genesisenergy.co.nz/ Ah Genesis
Energy..sounds promising. the source of all creation? ..hmmmm…how
miserable ...much more to creation than this eh! The Department of
Energy? Again the mind
boggles. Are not all other US Government departments energy too? And a
Secretary of Energy? Is that an American name for God or something? http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energyfacts/science/formsofenergy.html a quick flick
through the site…. (Energy Facts for kids)– what a limited vision of
the nature of energy– and look …no mention of the atmosphere as a
source of energy – how can you have air without energy? Breathing,
burning without air? http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energy_fungames/energyslang/index.html] Ah
a guide to energy slang – looks more like Oil Speak eh folks. DOE Energy =
mainly fossil fuels . http://www.earth.columbia.edu/articles/view/2126 Colombia
Uni – hmmm-more believers in Renewable Energy in some “energy
future”.. Next link
International Energy Agency. Sounds promising.. but wait mumble renewable energy, mumble oil,
mumble “energy” technology oil gas mumble more oil gas –
not much hope and intelligence there eh Hey wonder people
think there is stuff called intelligent energy – yep sure do –
imagine dumb energy http://www.google.co.nz/#hl=en&q=clean+energy&meta=&fp=82cbadf9d07bb6da Clean power –
Do people think there is clean energy – yup sure do…
oh Why are the Greenpeace folk so keen to endorse and promote
Bulk-generated products, as in this ad?… What about green
energy believers? Sure are –more ads for Bulk-gen electrical products
as usual… and yes I have checked there are pages full of links to red
energy blue energy pink energy purple energy. http://www.coalnz.com/index.cfm/1,127,0,49,html Even found people
who believe in Solid Energy – these folk think energy is coal and
perhaps a few wood products. http://www.dietbites.com/Diet-2/food-is-energy.html
And yes there are
those who think food is energy http://energy-drink-ratings.blogspot.com/ And drink is
energy… wow there is even cocaine energy..truly delusional.. and Monster
Energy – scarey - ough – perhaps energy got them… http://yellow.co.nz/search/New+Zealand/energy-1.html Lets check out
our yellow pages on Energy.. hmmm basically a page of ads for retailers
of electrical products…. http://www.elementalenergy.co.nz/ Elemental
Energy… http://www.energyselect.co.nz/ Energy Select… http://www.energyselect.co.nz/ Nova Energy.. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/energy/news/headlines.cfm?c_id=37 Or search New
Zealand’s largest daily broadsheet .. its got an “energy section”
…huhh .. people in our media are seriously psychotic the way they
think energy = fossil fuels http://www.infinityinst.com/articles/mind_pow_energy.html Search mind
energy…yes – here we go “Mind Power is Energy” …now that
cannot be true ..power is not energy…
Power = the rate at which energy is manifest. http://www.google.com/search?q=google+energy&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3RNFA_enNZ273NZ322 Google
At Google we're helping enable a future where access to personal electricity information helps everyone make smarter energy choices. Google PowerMeter shows ... Hey wonder what
Google corp thinks energy is… oh dreary us. Energy=power, renewable
energy, http://www.google.com/corporate/green/ ..clean energy.
http://physics.about.com/od/glossary/g/energy.htm Well surely the
universe is a physical system… and yes it is saying energy is the
potential to be active… Bummer that they
confuse energy forms with types of energy though NZ’s premier
consumer protection agency… http://www.consumer.org.nz/reports/saving-energy ..whooha..a whole
section on “energy saving”…looks like they think energy is power
and they seem to think power is a few electrical products. ..Hmmm . Lets
give Consumer a rating Such shonky
products are endemic in our media now http://www.bsa.govt.nz/decisions/2007/2007-072.htm 16] Looking at Principle 6 (accuracy), the Authority considers that it was not inaccurate to use the terms electricity, power and energy interchangeably, and it finds that listeners would not have been misled by the use of the words in the broadcast. Accordingly, the Authority declines to uphold the Principle 6 complaint. http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/Site/news/science_topics/energy/watson.aspx Talking elite
minds - our Royal
Society.. here we go.. “promoting excellence in science… so what
is their idea of energy?…wood, gas, oil, solar wind… CO2 capture,
hydrogen http://www.thefreedictionary.com/energy Free
Dictionary…. Hmmm.. energy is usable heat or power?
A source of useable power, such as petroleum or coal? And it gets worse by the look of it…portable energy? I
thought energy is motion…. Energy is
power?!!??? What confusion. Can you take one more search? Lets search on
videos “energy is power” (result 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7IL4XXvK3w Energy = Power =
Bulk-generated electrical products http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1260838 Man creating
t-shirt slogans - a big future as a big PR expert for the self-styled
"energy" corporations. Don’t feel
confused and muddled. If you think all this is Energy Gobbledygook you
could be right. Perhaps its time to open the door, step outside and
enjoy a deep breath, to actually experience energy on a different scale.
Just feel this sky and land and all…experience the continual change.
See the enormous potential in just this single view of our universe…
feel it .. breathe it.. dance it .. it is to be lived… Confused?
Depressed? Then ensure you watch the second video in which we explore
the astonishing and wonderful potential that is energy. Want to make more
sense of what you have just seen - read my essay on the Sustainability
Principle of Energy at www.bonusjoules.co.nz
Be mindful of its central message: enjoy compassion and a rather
wonderful vision of existence emerges. Wiki definitionIn physics, energy (from the Greek ἐνέργεια - energeia, "activity, operation", from ἐνεργός - energos, "active, working"[1]) is a scalar physical quantity that describes the amount of work that can be performed by a force, an attribute of objects and systems that is subject to a conservation law. Different forms of energy include kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, sound, light, elastic, and electromagnetic energy. The forms of energy are often named after a related force. Any form of energy can be transformed into another form, but the total energy always remains the same. This principle, the conservation of energy, was first postulated in the early 19th century, and applies to any isolated system. According to Noether's theorem, the conservation of energy is a consequence of the fact that the laws of physics do not change over time.[2] Although the total energy of a system does not change with time, its value may depend on the frame of reference. For example, a seated passenger in a moving airplane has zero kinetic energy relative to the airplane, but non-zero kinetic energy relative to the Earth.
For more joy, see the Compassionate Education Curriculum Framework.
"What is Energy?" Part two |