Junk Joules waves articles by prominent scientists
in front of Jo Trades. They proclaim AIR LIKE GLASS. Perplexed, Jo looks back
and forth at the sky and then the glass. Junk Joules argues “double glazing”
is just a hassle, it can fog up, has to be replaced all the time and anyway a
thick pane of glass will do the same job cheaper. AMPS announces it is photo
time again.
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Teachers: Double glazing refers to the fact that two panes of glass are used in creating an enhanced thermal barrier. The term is misleading in that the enhanced barrier is formed by the sealed gas-filled cavity between the sheets, not by the glass.
The use of dry air is common as a barrier though the use of gases like argon is increasing. Argon (0.9% of the atmosphere) is known as the “Miracle Gas” because of its very valuable properties. One such property is its relatively tiny capacity to retain/transfer thermal energy.
Further confusion can arise as it is common to laminate two panes of glass together to create shatter-proof glazing.
In some regions three panes are used, creating two cavities. This is called triple glazing.A helpful term that expresses the fact that the glazing is designed to control thermal transfers is thermal glazing. Of course, all glazing affects thermal transfers to some degree. However the use of the term works to generate images of thermal transfers and transformations and remind people that even the siting of windows affects thermal balances at the local and global level.
Chapter Seven - The House of Life -Infrared Sheep Visions.
Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy: All images on this site are copyright.