I realise the warmed air in my cartoon is flowing
right up through the holes in the light fittings. Worse. Why do I keep thinking
of Black Holes in space? The heated bulbs act to pump the warm air out of my
little galaxy. My cartoon is turning into a generator of junk joules! I act.
JOURNEY Index Look back to 2 Journey on to 4
These metal screw-on caps help make the light fitting
airtight and limit the transfer of thermal energy by air convection. The metal
fins on top of the cap act as ‘heat sinks’ and are designed to transfer
thermal energy away from the light into the universe. As a result it is safe to
tuck insulation up against them
Chapter Three - A Holey Pilgrimage-In the Fashion Stakes.
Bonus Joules and the Knowledge Economy: All images on this site are copyright.