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Learning Area -The Arts

                 First draft Jan 2008


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Link here
 to a list of 
sustainable uses of key symbols - including

energy energy efficiency
global warming
warming & cooling

Art - or The Arts - are skills and crafts that involve creating products or symbols that use any of the human senses to express and communicate meaning. The symbols may involve any one of or combinations of our visual, smell, taste, aural and tactile modes. The symbols created evoke images in the recipient involving all their senses. 
The essence of the Arts is a love of the truth and a desire to reflect reality -reality being the changing nature of the universe. 
Without the requisites for science to exist there is no art. The requisites enable to practitioner to reflect a greater truth of the reality in their product and thus generate greater meaning. 

Implicit in this understanding of art is the acknowledgement that every student provides a unique point of view of existence and Arts education explores, challenges, affirms and celebrates unique artistic expressions of self, community and culture.

Students employ science in the Arts to develop their skill at working  both independently and collaboratively so they can better reflect our changing reality and construct meanings, employ symbols and produce works, and respond to and value others' contributions. They learn to use imagination to engage unexpected outcomes and to explore multiple solutions.

Students will enjoy science and explore the nature of energy using all their senses so they can appreciate its potential more fully. They will have the confidence in their senses plus the skills and crafts required to more accurately reflect reality and to express greater meaning in their use of symbols.


The Art of Well-Being- includes promoting the science of the health of the body and mind of the individual, the well-being of society and harmony with universal flows and balances.



The Art of the Visual – including reflection and expression using a wide range of materials and techniques to explore the qualities and possibilities of light, line and perspectives to convey meaning.


The Art of Sound - including exploration and expression through music, the spoken word and the other organisation of sounds that reflect and convey meaning.


The Art of Movement –including exploration and expression through dance, technology design and kinetic sculptures. 

The Art of Drama – including expression through a focus on role, action, and tension, played out in time and space using dramatic convections, techniques and technologies.


Students will express their various Beings and the meaning gained from their insights into reality by employing the above crafts and skills and using all manner of technology and materials  These shall include the following Beings:


Thermal Beings - includes exploring how in harmony we are with the balances of the  thermal flows of our universe Electrical Beings - includes embracing all electrical phenomena and reflecting on our uses of them Trace Beings- includes exploring how the universe comprises of trace elements and reflecting on their powers.


Human Beings- includes our mythology psychology,  sociology and the civics that sustains us Earth  Beings -includes reflecting on  the  tectonic forces of our planet and our roles as stewards of its minerals and soils


Ocean Beings- includes understanding  key water cycles and how we are sustained by them.

Atmospheric Beings- includes exploring the power of our breath and our role in all atmospheric processes

Carbon Beings- includes exploring key carbon cycles and our toels as stewards of carbon Solar   Beings - includes exploring our solar system and how we make use of our solar potential.

 Universal Beings - includes expressing how we are part of the universe and all the different types of  being each individual can be viewed as.








Guiding Principles of Energy.

The Conservation Principle of Energy states energy cannot be created or destroyed and is subject to constant transformation.

The Uncertainty Principle of Energy states that in quantum physics the locating of a particle in a small region makes the momentum of the particle uncertain, and conversely, measuring the momentum of a particle precisely makes the position uncertain.

The Sustainability Principle of Energy states that when a symbol use works to deny change it will materially alter the potential of the universe (energy) in a way that results in a reduction in the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality. When a symbol use works for the acceptance of change it will increase the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality.

Conserving symbol potential: Link here to a list of 
sustainable uses of key symbols - including 
atmosphere carbon electricity energy energy efficiency greenhouse love power science

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Key ideas from  Rationale for Curriculum

Requisites for science to exist



Collegiality openness and sharing; 


Honesty and trust; 

Time and reflection 


Science and creativity:

 The above requisites enable quantum leaps in insight.


The power of symbols:

Symbols convey meaning and enable civilisation


Conserving the potential of our key symbols:

Any failure to conserve them puts us at greater risk.