“What is energy?" Draft Speech Script for President Elect Barack Obama.
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November 2008 Dear Barack This is the speech
you must deliver using your extraordinary talents to uplift and inspire.
Failure to deliver it will almost certainly mean your presidency will be
characterised by failure as the USA implodes amidst violence and misery. You inherit a
bankrupt America – a nation teetering on the brink of financial
insolvency, a leadership bankrupt of ideas and dominated by traders
lacking morality. You know this. The people of America know this. Billions
of people in the world know this. America is not
alone. Many of us live in nations that are now similarly insolvent,
bankrupt and lacking moral integrity. We all face imminent and
catastrophic collapse of our systems. Our current ideas and denials are
proving lethal. The framework of this draft speech is a unique repository
of wisdom that has sustained humanity for millennia. May we all be
sustained by it. Yours humbly
"What is the Nature of Energy?" Is there anyone out
there who really knows what energy is?
We all are very intimate with energy, we all experience energy in
every moment of our lives and yet it remains the great enduring mystery at
the centre of our existence. Every individual
has their own vision of what energy is. Every society, every nation has
its own vision of what energy is. Each and every
vision is different. Each and every vision offers different perspectives
of the nature of energy. Each and every vision generates different
lifestyles, different economies, different demands on the resources of our
planet. Some visions
promote lifestyles, economies and demands that are in harmony with the
flows and balances of energy forms in the universe(s) that sustain us.
Other visions work to destroy those precious sustaining flows and
balances. It is beholden on
each of us to act to ensure our vision of energy works to sustain our
generation and the generations to come. Make no mistake about it. If we
cling to flawed visions of the nature of energy then we will endure great
misery. We will experience war, disease, famine and, perhaps worst of all,
we will die knowing we have bequeathed on our children a world without
hope. So this day I
invite you, every American of every race, age, gender and religion to join
me in asking this great question, “What is the nature of energy”. I
extend this invitation to all the peoples of the world, for this issue
affects each and every human being on this planet. It affects how we build
our homes, grow and cook our food, how we communicate, keep warm, keep
cool, make war, enjoy peace… there is no action in our lives that this
issue does not affect. The question is
timely because it is probable that never before has this planet been
inhabited by 6.7 billion human beings. Our current impact on the flows and
balances of Earth’s minerals and life forms is now so vast that those
who study the great ages, the epic periods and moments in the history of
Earth now suggest we are now in the Anthrocene Age. They suggest observers
of this planet millions of years in the future will find evidence of our
impact. They will note a brief period of immense soil loss, soaring carbon
concentrations in the atmosphere and oceans and the sudden disappearance
of all manner of species –perhaps even the disappearance of humans. I do not seek to
alarm you and fill you with dread when I mention this possibility. I am
simply reminding you that societies and species tend to die out when they
fail to adapt, when their activities cannot be sustained, when they
experience major disharmony with the flows and balances of energy. I remind you that we are fortunate beings. Although each man, woman and child has their own unique vision of the nature of energy, we are privileged as a species to have access to great wisdom - ancient wisdom that has sustained us through all manner of climate change, tectonic change, solar change over millions of years. We all share that wisdom to greater or lesser extent. The wisdom is summed up, is symbolised in the great guiding principle we know as The Conservation Principle of Energy.
I ask you to think
about, to reflect on what this wonderful principle teaches us. You may
recall glimmerings of its messages from your childhood school days. The
Conservation Principle suggests two great truths that we may live by.
It suggests that
energy is as bounteous as the potential of the universe(s). Energy is all
that was, all that is and all that could be. It is so bounteous it can be
considered a constant. It is conserved. It is sustained. It can be neither
created nor destroyed. The Conservation
Principle also suggests that while energy can be neither created nor
destroyed it is constantly transformed. The potential of the universe(s)
is manifest as continually changing forms. All forms arise. All forms
pass. Each form is transformed from others and into others. And how do we know
this is true? We can have faith
in the Conservation Principle of Energy as our great guide because no
other principle has ever been subject to such intense scrutiny to find a
flaw in it. No other principle has ever been explored, interrogated with
such ferocity, has been experimented with such ingenuity as human beings
down the ages have strived to disprove this principle, to find some way
around it. No other principle has been proven so true. The reason for this
intense focus is simple. We human beings are transitory forms, as are all
other forms. And, whether we like it or not, we are stewards of all other
forms. Throughout the ages of humanity we homo sapiens have attempted to
create perpetual motion machines, elixors of eternal youth and all manner
of belief systems that enable us to use the limited resources of our
planet as though they are as bounteous as energy itself. Our attempts to
deny our mortality, our attempts to deny our roles as stewards of this
unique planet’s resources are always met with failure. And each and
every time our vast and ingenious capacity for denial generates only one
ultimate experience – the state of misery. And every society
that confused energy with one of the myriad forms it can take has
inevitably collapsed, imploded, lost its vigour and integrity. It has
failed. I challenge you to
show me an example of where this has not happened. I challenge you to show
me proof that the Conservation Principle of Energy does not hold. I am
sure I will sit here, become an old man and die, before you do. And now my fellow
Americans, and many other peoples of the world, it is my duty to confront
you with the fact that we have been living a monstrous lie. Our societies
are based on a delusion of the most dangerous kind. We need confront the
truth that we are a nation among many similar nations that is near
collapse because we have denied on scale the Conservation Principle of
Energy. Look around us.
Look at our own lives. Almost everywhere is the proof of what I say. Our
institutions, public and private alike, our schools, our media, our
legislation are all now founded in a flawed vision, a delusion that is
symbolised in this equation: “Energy = a select few tradable commodities”. And what are these
select few forms of energy? Energy
is now commonly defined as fossil fuels and Bulk-generated electricity.
Check out the business columns of your local media and confirm this as a
fact. We have built vast
systems of food production, of dwellings, of transportation based on this
profoundly flawed belief, this denial of change and stewardship. It is my
duty to inform you that this is unsustainable. Either we act together in
concerted acceptance of the Conservation Principle and we each become true
conservatives or we face imminent collapse as a society, as a civilisation. There will be many
among you who are asking. “How can this be?” I will provide you with a
single, most familiar example. Mineral oil is a
resource of astonishing power. Every day we hear how the price of mineral
oil is so many dollars a barrel. Few of us ever stop to ask, “ How large
is this mythical barrel?”, “How much energy is there in a barrel?”.
We see the price of mineral oil double one month and halve the next and we
rarely ask, “What is the real value of a barrel of mineral oil?” Well, there are
forty-two gallons in a barrel of mineral oil and we Americans destroy
about 68 barrels a days per 1000 people. Most nations use less than 5
barrels a day per 1000 people. Each barrel contains the energy equivalent
of 25,000 man-hours of labour. These are very
approximate figures. They are simply to put you in the ballpark of what we
are talking about. Imagine. Imagine
each barrels as about 25000 people working non-stop for an hour lifting,
pushing, pulling and performing all the actions necessary for our current
social structures to work. When you and I burn and destroy a barrel of
mineral oil, for whatever reason, it is as though we have 25000
irreplaceable servants working for us for one hour. After that they are
gone. How has this
capacity to burn mineral oil on scale affected us? How has our capacity to
have this great army of servants working for us impacted on our vision of
the nature of energy? The truth is we
have become blinded to reality. We have come to believe that mineral oil is
energy. We have come to believe that this finite fossil resource is ours
of right, to destroy as we please. We have come to
believe that this amazing resource is so bounteous that we need not value
it, there are few or no limits to how we can use it. We now call mineral
oil by the name “energy.” In 1999 we were
retailing mineral oil for 10 dollars a barrel. In other words this
psycho-social construct we call The Market placed a value of about 0.04
cents an hour on the labour of those servants. At the same time we burned
coal and mineral gas to make Bulk-generated electricity and The Market put
a value of perhaps a cent on every man-hour of labour in the resource. You
and I would not work day in day out for a cent an hour and yet this is the
value we have put on these astonishing and very finite resources. It is hard to
imagine what a million is, let alone a trillion, let alone a quadrillion.
The latter is a 1 with 15 zeros. However
I am not here today to overwhelm you with numbers. Rather I am inviting
you to address our current crisis situation with me. I am here to suggest
ways we can respond in spirit of hope, of science, of love. I will simply say
that each day now humans are destroying about 85 million barrels of
mineral oil and this represents about 2 trillion man-hours of labour. Our
nation consumes about 100 quadrillion
British Thermal Units of energy in these few forms per year now. To put this into
the context of our recent history: whereas a century ago almost all the
calories required to put a calorie of food on the plate of the average
human being came more or less directly from solar sources now five out of
every six calories required comes from fossil fuel, especially mineral
oil. These numbers are
of giddying proportions and I am not asking you to imagine them. I am
simply inviting you to acknowledge the principles of physics: we can no
longer sustain systems based on the belief that energy is
mineral oil, or that it is fossil fuels or Bulk-generated
electricity for that matter. I am inviting you
to embrace the Conservation Principle of Energy, to become aware of the
hope inherent in it and to become vigilant to the dangers of denying its
messages, messages the remind us that each us needs acts as stewards
within this planetary flux of change. We as a nation have
tended to forget this great guiding principle. We became especially
forgetful in the late 1990s when this entity, this psycho-social construct
we call The Market, dictated that mineral oil was worth a fraction of cent
per man-hour of labour equivalent. It is no mistake that we felt the old
rules no longer mattered, It is no mistake that we felt we no longer
needed to be stewards of our resources. It is no mistake we expanded our
credit systems by trillions of dollars, leveraging off these mineral oil
prices. In doing so we made
the error that all societies do when they forget the principles of
physics. We created an economy based on a delusion and now it is
collapsing, just as other similar economies inevitably did. And now we find
ourselves as a nation bankrupt and our savings have evaporated. Where has
our wealth gone? Our perceived wealth is now combusted to become little
more than pollution in the air that we breathe. The message of the
Conservation Principle is hard and unyielding and yet those that accept
its truths are blessed beyond all. When we accept its messages we come to
know more fully the immense range of options inherent in the potential of
the universe(s). In that awareness we are filled with hope and awe at the
nature of energy. We enjoy a sense of
possibilities, even as we are mindful that all forms are limited and
transitory. We experience a sense of harmony with all even as we are aware
that we are stewards of this planet’s resources. We become aware of the
balances and potentials of the thermal flows, the water flows, the
electrical flows, the carbon flows of our planet.
We become opened to sustainable uses of myriad forms previously
unimaginable. So much is
possible. We have so many options. I am not saying our journey in search
of the nature of energy is easy. I am saying our current confusion,
ignorance and denial of the nature of energy has brought us to a very
difficult place, a place of so-called “energy wars” and “energy
crises” and “energy failures” and general misery. I am saying that
if we share our insights and journey together in this search we can move
beyond this state of bankruptcy of knowledge, this economy of mounting
debt, this place bereft of science, this nation of increasing misery. And here again we
must face perhaps unpalatable truths about our nation, and those nations
made in our likeness. The delusion about
the nature of energy is born of an even greater delusion. It is the
delusion that science is simply a way of thinking, the domain of an elite
of people we call “scientists”. The reality is
this. We are all born scientists with the capacities to experiment, to
share, to reflect, to explore, to be honest, to be inclusive to enjoy
compassion with all. Science is a state of being that enables language,
the arts, civics and all that we call civilisation to flourish. If any of
these capacities are lacking then science is diminished. I imagine many of
you understand this in your hearts and are wondering what does this mean
in our daily lives. It means we are all
scientists to some degree and those that set themselves apart and call
themselves “scientists” are in denial of this fact. They are being
exclusive, are manifesting a lack of science. It means we, one
and all, have valuable insights to offer and we should value each other
accordingly. It means we each
are stewards of our actions and need continually review the impacts of our
lives on the flows and balances of the Earth that sustains us. It means our
education curricula need be reframed so they reflect the truer nature of
science, which is that it is an essential state of being, not just an
arbitrary way of thinking known only to an elite few. It means we need
identify all that obstructs the free flow of information, for in the free
flow is the immense possibilities that are inherent in the Conservation
Principle of Energy. This is not an easy
matter for our nation is built on principles divorced from science and we
have built the delusion of great wealth not only on the flawed equation of
energy with minerals and certain electrical products but also on vast
restrictive systems of copyright laws. For a century these
systems have delivered us seeming power and wealth but now we find our
nation is bankrupt on many levels. It is possible that soon we will be
unable to even buy in the knowledge of people from other lands as has been
our custom this last century. So we need rebuild
this nation so every person in this nation and every person in all other
nations retains the right to share ideas, dreams and inventions without
being exploited by other greed-driven individuals. For in our individual
freedom to share our visions without penalty there is hope. We can thus
avail ourselves of the greater potential of energy. Let us treasure the
Conservation Principle of Energy. It is as near as we have to a natural
law. Let us accept its truths
and live in awareness that we are each stewards of the myriad forms it can
take, we cannot offset our responsibilities, we can never be neutral in
our actions, we cannot let some entity called The Market be our wisdom.
Again this is not
easy. I myself have promoted and endorsed the ethos of carbon trading. I
have been sorely tried and tested as I have come to realise that the
carbon trading ethos is fundamentally flawed. It is as flawed as the
mortgage derivatives market that now delivers us such heartache and
dislocation. It is as flawed as the commodity’s market where the price
of a resource rises and falls in great disruptive waves that bears no
relationship to the real value of the resource. I now understand
more fully that we Carbon Beings. Carbon continually flows through us and
we are part of a great carbon flux. It is a wondrous process. We can never be
neutral within this great flow and each of us needs always to be mindful
of our roles as stewards of the balances and flows of carbon that sustain
us. Hence we must each put values on each carbon form such that our use of
it ensures our children inherit those sustaining balances and flows.
We must come
together as stewards of our carbon resources and actively debate what
those values are. Those values must be reflected in the activities of our
daily lives and in our taxation systems. We cannot leave such decisions to
some vague, global, psychopathic construct called “The Market”. It is
only when our values are embedded in our civic structures, in our taxation
systems, can our businesses know the certainty they require. It is only
then that our children can enjoy hope based in compassion. In making the
Conservation Principle central to our existence we will find that our
perceptions are transformed of what a “conservative” is. The symbol
will come to be associated with those among us who conserve our resources,
whose actions work to retain the flows and balances of the energy flux
that sustains us. No more will our society describe those who most destroy
those flows and balances as “conservatives”. Hence forth these folk
shall be known as “non-conservatives”, regardless of their race,
political party, religion or national affiliation. Hence forth our
children will honour those that accept their roles a stewards of change as
the true conservatives and they will remember them with gratitude. Above all I am here to ask you to conserve the amazing potential of this most glorious of symbols – the energy symbol. You do not be have great academic qualifications to conserve it. All you need is care. All you need is love. The rules of care are simple. Here are a few of them: v
in acceptance of the Principle of the Conservation of Energy, which
advises us that energy can be considered so bouteous that it cannot be
created or destroyed. Embrace that bounty. v
in acceptance of the Principle of the Conservation of Energy, which
advises us that energy can be considered so bouteous that it cannot be
created or destroyed. Know that energy, by its very nature is conserved,
is constant. Some resources are more renewable than others. v
in acceptance of the Principle of the Conservation of Energy, which
advises us that energy is subject to constant transformation. Avoid
confusing energy with any of the myriad forms it can take, for we are
finite as they are finite. Give each form its own name. v
in acceptance of our roles as stewards amidst this continual change –
know the critical issue is that it is not how much energy we use but
rather whether our use of energy forms, our use of resources, conserves
the balances and flows that sustain humanity. v
in acceptance of our roles as stewards amidst this continual change –
let us accept personal responsibility with a spirit of compassion for our
perceived misuses of the universal potential so we may continually learn
and adapt our ways. This
is a speech I had to give. Without
this speech our nation could not progress. Without
it we would continue unchanged in our current ways – ways that in our
heart of hearts we know cannot be sustained. Without
it we could not develop and enjoy our greater potential. Many
of us may find the messages in this speech difficult and obscure. I ask
you to persist in understanding them, for they retain the wisdom that has
sustained humanity for millenia. In reality the messages are very simple
and can be understood by all people with open and generous hearts. And
when we listen closely to the messages they will resonate in each of us to
make us such a people. Nothing can defeat us when we are a nation of such
co-joined hearts Thank you and I look forward to you joining us as we all work to reshape our nation so that it is again a source of inspiration, of strength, of harmony, a beacon of science and harmony in the world. Return to sustainable uses of our key symbols |
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