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  David Parker Presentation
(Genesis Energy Education Module )

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Principle of energy: “When a symbol use works to deny change it will materially alter the potential of the universe (energy) in a way that results in a reduction in the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality. When a symbol use works for the acceptance of change it will increase the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality.”

Denials of change:

(1) The Government owned Genesis Energy education module defines both power and energy as Bulk-generated electricity. This confusion of energy/power with their forms denies the transformation basis of the Principle of the Conservation of Energy.

(2) The website denies that energy and power are conserved by suggesting humans can save power and energy. Inherent in this is a denial of the mortal form of humans.

(3) Combustion occurs without changes to the atmosphere.

(4) The transformation of hydro potential into electricity occurs without changes in the atmosphere.

General comment:

This interactive education module, created with the NZ Royal Society, is a classic example of how our images of energy are being re-engineered by the Spin Merchants of sector interests. In this case Genesis Energy and the New Zealand Government (its owners) are protecting their profits and "market share", as our current legislation says they must.

It is a very good example of how companies, Governments and individuals all have a capacity to deny change and responsibility for actions. The denial behaviour by Genesis Energy is a very common throughout our culture. It is seen in a range of forms in my presentation to the Minister, as well as in the adoption of carbon trading/offsetting mechanisms by those who do not wish to confront the impacts of their behaviour. 
My informal surveys indicate that the failure to observe vital omissions in the models is endemic in New Zealand. Very low value is put on the atmosphere.

Note: This education module was recently pulled from the Genesis Energy website. A spokesperson for the company said this was because "it was not working".

This early model omits the role of the atmosphere entirely.


 About 2001, perhaps as a result of my protests to the Royal Society, the model was improved to include the atmosphere in a minimal way. Little arrows moved down the air inlet that in no way indicated that the plant involved mining tonnages of the atmosphere that are far greater than the tonnage of coal mined. Similarly the emissions are barely noticeable. The plant also advertises incandescent lighting  rather than more efficient forms of lights such as cfls.

In this interactive model of a hydro-dam plant  inefficient uses of electricity are again promoted. The atmosphere is omitted entirely from the process.

No matter how high the student opens the dam gates and how hard they drive the turbines and how long they use the Bulk-generated electricity, the lake levels never drop.

This working model which includes moving clouds show that the omission of the atmosphere  from the energy equation in the other models was deliberate decision, even if it was a subliminal one. 

All the models contain another critical omission. It is a safe bet that you failed to notice that the generator linked directly to the point of use. Bulk-electricity generators are now the retailers in New Zealand and communities were effectively  prevented by the Electricity Reforms of the 1990s from participating in the Electricity Market. The models fail to show that the lines do not go to the consumer but to a retailer who has large powers to determine how the consumer can use the utility grid.

The omission of the retailer from the system also reduces the risk of comparisons with micro and dwelling scale electricity generation (distributed generation). These uses of electricity do not require the existence of the retailer and  minimise wastage in transmission.


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