Parker Presentation (Energy Action (2008) ) |
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Principle of energy: “When a symbol use works to deny change it will materially alter the potential of the universe (energy) in a way that results in a reduction in the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality. When a symbol use works for the acceptance of change it will increase the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality.” Denials of change: Posters displayed are often framed
so as to define power
and energy as Bulk-generated electricity. This confusion of
energy/power with their forms denies the transformation basis of the
Principle of the Conservation of Energy. (2) The resource denies that energy and power are conserved by suggesting humans can save power and energy. General note. These flaws reflect the origins of the resource - the community owned utility companies. The Electricity Reforms of 1993 forced communities to use their companies to concentrate on generating profits from Bulk-electricity and Gas sales. This focus was further enforced by further Electricity Reforms in 1998 which forced communities to sell either their lines or their retail activities. At the same time the resource retains some of the community ethos that was emerging before the Electricity Reforms ethos. This can be seen in the awareness of carbon use impacts and using dwellings as generators. It is probable that this education resource, created by Negawatt Resources Ltd, was the most advanced of its type in the world till the Electricity Reforms finally stopped all funding for it in 2000.
Click on CO2 Use poster to read more comments.
above poster summarises at a glance key ideas required for comprehending
the impact of our carbon emissions on atmosphere balances.
above and following poster were created by Negawatt Resources Ltd for
the Climate Change Office in 2001. The above poster attempts to present
a summary of how our use of carbon impacts on climate balances for Level
4 students. The one below summarises the 2000 Climate Change Impact
Report for This poster illustrates how the original creators understood very clearly that it is vital that our students have an understanding of basic thermodynamics if they are to understand their impact of their activities on climate balances and how to ameliorate their impact by best uses of air as in insulation and ventilation practice.
This poster was created in 2000 for the prototype Energy Action Australia. It promotes a wider range of forms of electricity use than the earlier How Power is Made poster. That poster defines power as Bulk-generated electricity.
This poster is in major denial of the fundamental Principles of Energy. This said, it is a valuable attempt to encourage reflection on how life style choices can impact on Bulk-gen electricity bills and carbon emissions. Return to presentation to NZ Minister of Energy & Climate Issues |