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  David Parker Presentation
(Contact Energy Education Module )

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Principle of energy: “When a symbol use works to deny change it will materially alter the potential of the universe (energy) in a way that results in a reduction in the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality. When a symbol use works for the acceptance of change it will increase the capacity of the symbol user to mirror reality.”

Denials of change:

(1) The Contact Energy website defines both power and energy as Bulk-generated electricity. These pages  contains several examples of redefinitions. This confusion of energy/power with the forms they can take denies the transformation basis of the Principle of the Conservation of Energy. The company even attempts to colonise and distort the the potent scientific concept of positive energy.

(2) The website denies that energy and power are conserved by suggesting humans can save power and energy. 

General Comment:

These pages were created as part of a multi-million dollar campaign by Contact Positive Energy, A Bulk-gen electricity company, to ensure the public are denied a vision of the range of resources and options available to them and that the Government review of energy (after the national Bulk-gen electricity system nearly collapsed 2001,2003) was framed by definitions of energy that serve the company's short term interests. Note the limits choice of options provided. All but one involved the Bulk-generation of electricity. The exception is the energy efficiency option. The company defines and frames "energy efficiency" as a simply balancing equation of cost versus benefit. This is untrue. The benefits from investment in the use of alternative resources to Bulk-gen electricity can be exponential. 


Click on illustration above to visit Contact Energy website.


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