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Electrical Language
(Some sustainable uses of symbols expressing our electrical potential)
draft no 2 July 2008

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Our Electrical Beings.

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NZ Electricity Commission

Click on picture to read Wikipedia discussion of use of electricity symbol.

We are Electrical Beings. We are composed of electrical phenomena and live in a universe of electrical phenomena. Our bodies are a complex electrical system consisting of a network of billions of connections. As we learn to respond to the electrical fields that surround us our neural networks form a multitude of grids, each with their own characteristic pattern of transmission of electrical currents.

Every symbol we use is a switch - switching on certain electrical phenomena in us and switching off others. These are manifest as thoughts and sensations in us and as our behavioural responses to universal phenomena.

Some patterns of response are adaptive and enable us to enjoy harmony with the flux and flow of the universe(s). Some patterns destabilise our electrical circuitry and threaten our survival. 

Hence it is vital that we enjoy science in our use of our switching systems. In particular we need be mindful that we do not allow our neural networks to automatically default to responses designed to serve the narrow, short-term interests of a few psychopathic humans.

This symbol guide is based the Sustainability Principle of Energy, which in turn is based on ancient wisdom that has sustained humanity for millennia. Enjoy the science underpinning it.

Electricity Commission
Electricity Market


Power company

Power sockets

Power wires

Power poles

Power plant

Power Board (meaning one)

Power Board (meaning two)

Power Meter

Power outage/crash/blackout
Power expert/consultant

Energy tarriff/component
Energy Company
Energy sector
Energy Number

Energy expert
Energy Minister/Minister of Energy
Distributed Energy

Renewable/Sustainable Energy

Energy Efficiency


Unsustainable use of symbol in our media i.e. use is lacking science. Sustainable use of symbol i.e. use is supported by science.  Comment re. 
the potential of the symbol.
stuff that flows out of "power sockets"



Electrical current =flows through dwelling's wiring system -230volt in most of the world. Electricity does not exist.
All things have power.

See map of world voltage systems


Electricity =power
(stuff that flows out of "power sockets")
Electrical currrent (flows through dwellings  wiring system -  230volt in most of the world.) Electricity does not exist.
All things have power.
Describe the type of current e.g. 230 volt, 110 volt, 12 volt etc


Electricity = energy
(stuff that flows out of "power sockets")
Electrical currrent (flows through dwellings  wiring system -  230volt in most of the world.) Electricity does not exist.
All things are energy.
Describe the type of current e.g. 230 volt, 110 volt, 12 volt etc


Power company (Company that sells you power/
Bulk-generated electricity retailer or 
Bulk-gen electricity retailer
All companies are power companies, whatever their products.
Generally the companies referred to here retail basically only one product - 230 -11000 volt electrical current generate using massive plant.


Energy company (company that sells you power/
Bulk-generated electricity retailer or 
Bulk-gen electricity retailer
All companies and their products are energy whatever their particular activity.
Generally the companies referred to here retail basically only one product - 230 -11000 volt electrical current generate using massive plant. Some also retail significant quantities of mineral gas.
Energy sector
(Company that sells you Bulk-generated electricity and fossil fuels.)
Bulk-generated Electricity and Fossil Fuels sector. Every element or sector of human activity is energy. . Probably the sectors that is manifest the greatest amount of energy are the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors.


"Power sockets/plugs"
(230 volt wiring sockets in walls of dwellings etc)
230 volt socket 
or "appliance socket" or "wall socket" or "electrical mains supply"
Be mindful that there are many sources of power in the average dwelling including sunlight, windows, ventilators, taps, insulation etc.


"Power wires"
(230/110 volt wiring)



(name the owner of the grid or the purpose of the wiring e.g. 230 volt wires, telephone, XCorp wires etc)
Be mindful that all wiring capable conducting an electrical current have power, whether is be for mechanical, thermal, communication or other forms of power .Often the wires have multiple powers


"Power poles"
(poles carrying 230/110 volt wiring transmitting mainly Bulk-gen  electricity)
Utility poles
(poles capable of carrying 230/110 volt wiring, street lighting and broadband.)
Be mindful that the poles carry wiring that has multiple capacities, including driving appliances providing essential communication and transmitting electrical current generated by dwellings.


"Power plant"
(Massive machines or devices capable of generating 100s of megawatts.)
Bulk-gen electricity plant
(Massive machines or devices capable of generating 100s of megawatts.)
Be mindful that  the machinery capable of generating electrical currents comes in a great range of sizes- it is helpful to specify the type of plant you are referring to.


Power outage/
Bulk-gen electricity shortage It is almost invariably the case that through either human error or weather or tectonic event that demand for Bulk-gen electricity exceeds supply. It is extremely rare that all Dwelling-scale and other electrical generation is simultaneously stopped.


Energy Number Connection number or customer number Each site with a grid connection is allocated an identification number as is the consumer. Often these are called "energy numbers" as part of the Bulk-gen electricity sector's attempts to extend their control over people's behaviour.


Energy Tarrif/
Kilowatts his simply refers to the charge for kilowatts of product used by consumer. Implicit in the nonsensical notion is the idea that the whole grid system is not energy.


"Energy Efficiency
= using less electricity." 
This  use of the energy efficiency symbol is not employed. This symbol use is designed to associate Energy Efficiency with deprivation. Energy efficiency is about the wise use of resources, including our electrical potential. It can involve the increased use of some electrical forms. 


Power expert/
expert for the Bulk-gen electricity sector and/or its bankers.
Power is the rate that the potential of the universe(s) is manifest. A power expert is someone skilled at measuring all the different rates that energy is manifest.


Energy expert/
expert for the Bulk-gen electricity and fossil fuel sector and/or its bankers.
Energy is the potential of the universe(s). An energy expert is a person with a deep knowledge of the nature of energy.


Energy Minister/
Minister of Energy
Minister for Fuels and Bulk-gen Electricity See note re energy experts. The Minister of Energy is not responsible for ocean, weather, forests, agriculture, Building Codes, Foreign Policy, transport and all other manifestations of energy


Distributed Energy Distributed Resource Generation. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It is, by its very nature, distributed throughout the universe(s) and this use of the energy symbol is a denial of this fundamental fact.





Sustainable sources of energy?

Renewable resources

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It is, by its very nature, sustained and this use of the energy symbol is a denial of this fundamental fact


NZ Electricity Commission  NZ Bulk-gen Electricity  Commission There is no such thing as electricity. Rather the symbol refers to a vast array of electrical phenomena. The Commission is concerned with only one element of one the phenomena - Bulk-gen electricity.


NZ "Electricity Market" NZ Bulk-gen Electricity Market. One product dominates the trades on this market: Bulk -gen electricity and the only traders  permitted since 1998 are large corporations. Communities and trades of Dwelling-gen electricity are no longer permitted. 


Power Board
(Meaning One)
Community Trust Board. Community-owned democratic trusts. Tradionally they were charged with ensuring community had acccess to lighting, heating and the electrical products required to power technology. Now they are limited to owning the local grid or its intelligence but not both.


Power Board
(Meaning two)
Switch Board Typically this is a panel containing fuses, switches and monitoring equipment for 230-volt electricity. It is helpful to understand it is also a very important communication centre, similar to a telephone switchboard.


Power meter Meter/ Monitor


This equipment has multi-purposes. It measures the flow of 230-volt electrical current. It also monitors who has access the community grid e.g. it can act as a switch enabling or preventing the two-way flow of electrical current and communication.


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